👨‍🔬 Research projects#


  • Public Health

  • Causal inference

  • Sociology

  • Representation learning

  • NLP for information extraction

At the intersection of these fields I am asking questions such as :

  • How to build robust policy evaluation trough opportunistic data collection ? (real world)

  • What are the influence of data transformation on treatment effect inference ?

Research projects#

How to select predictive models for causal inference?
Causal model Selection
Transfer Event representations between claims and EHR for diagnosis and prognosis
Treatment effect motivation

Treatment effect estimation from EHR data#

Treatment effect framework
Reevaluation of second line oral diabetics on HBA3C control and weight loss
  • Title: Observational case control study on long term effect of GLP1-RA

  • Abstract: The primary objective of the study is to assess the short term effect of GLP1-RA on weight loss. The effectiveness on the HBA1C diminution will be assessed as a control outcome. Despite clinical studies that proved the efficacy of GLP1-RA on weight loss, there is currently a lack of observational studies on the long term effect of GLP1-RA on weight loss.

The secondary objective is to study the long term effects on morbidity, rehospitalization and mortality.

Finally, the third objective is the analysis of the heterogeneity of the effect of GLP1-RA on different subpopulations. The patient stratification will be made on the following baseline factors: age, sex, BMI, type 2 diabetes history length, cardio-vascular background, tritherapy status. Project status: ongoing, extraction and description of the target population

Chronic Kidney Disease: Effect of the timing of initialization of dialysis on mortality
Evaluation of medical imaging on mortality for patients hospitalized in intense care unit